cmatrix.c File Reference

Detailed Description

'c' functions for vector and matrix operations.

Glenn D. MacGougan (GDM)
0.07 Beta
Version Information
This is the open source version (BSD license). The Professional Version is avaiable via The Professional Version is highly optimized using SIMD and includes optimization for multi-core processors.

License Information
Copyright (c) 2009, Glenn D. MacGougan

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, of the specified files is permitted provided the following conditions are met:


This code was developed using rigourous unit testing for every function and operation. Despite any rigorous development process, bugs are inevitable. Please report bugs and suggested fixes to glenn @

Definition in file cmatrix.c.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "cmatrix.h"
#include "cplot.h"
#include "kiss_fft.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _MTX_listItemCplx
 struct specific for MTX_ReadFromFile and related functions (a simple linked list) More...


#define PI   (3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
 better value
#define TWOPI   (6.283185307179586476925286766559)
#define HALFPI   (1.5707963267948966192313216916398)
#define MTX_ID_COMPRESSED_01   ("MTX01\n")
 identifier used to indicate a file stored using SaveCompressed (version 1)
#define MTX_ID_LEGACY_V01   ("Matrix\n")
 legacy identifier used to indicate a file stored using Save with imprecise double RLE
#define MTX_ID_LEGACY_V02   ("MTXV02\n")
 legacy identifier used to indicate a file stored using Save with imprecise double RLE
#define MTX_VERSION_NR_DEFAULT   (101)
 identifier used to indicate a file stored using basic Save
#define MTX_VERSION_NR_COMPRESSED_01   (102)
 identifier used to indicate a file stored using SaveCompressed (version 1)
#define MTX_VERSION_NR_LEGACY_V01   (1)
 legacy identifier used to indicate a file stored using Save with imprecise double RLE
#define MTX_VERSION_NR_LEGACY_V02   (2)
 legacy identifier used to indicate a file stored using Save with imprecise double RLE
#define MTX_NK   (8)
 the number of byte columns used to represent a column of doubles when using MTX_ID_COMPRESSED_01


BOOL MTX_Initialize_MTXEngine ()
 This function must be called first by users of cmatrix!
BOOL MTX_Enable1x1MatricesForTreatmentAsScalars (BOOL enable)
 This function is used to set if matrices that are single elements (1x1) are treated as scalars for math operations or whether the regular matrix rules apply. THIS IS ENABLED BY DEFAULT.
BOOL MTX_isNull (const MTX *M)
 Is this a null matrix?
BOOL MTX_isConformalForMultiplication (const MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Are matrices A & B conformal for multiplication, real * real.
BOOL MTX_isConformalForAddition (const MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Are matrices A & B conformat for addition/subtraction, real + real.
BOOL MTX_isSquare (const MTX *A)
 Is this a square matrix?
BOOL MTX_isSameSize (const MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 are A and B the same size?
 Initialize a MTX matrix struct to appropriate zero values. This must always be called for proper operation!
BOOL MTX_SetComment (MTX *M, const char *comment)
 Set the matrix comment string.
 Clear the matrix data from memory if dynamically allocated. Zero the struct members.
BOOL MTX_Malloc (MTX *M, const unsigned nrows, const unsigned ncols, const BOOL isReal)
 Allocate matrix data (not set to zero).
BOOL MTX_Calloc (MTX *M, const unsigned nrows, const unsigned ncols, const BOOL isReal)
 Allocate matrix data (set to zero).
BOOL MTX_SetValue (MTX *M, const unsigned row, const unsigned col, const double value)
 Set a scalar value in the matrix.
BOOL MTX_SetComplexValue (MTX *M, const unsigned row, const unsigned col, const double re, const double im)
 Set a complex value in the matrix.
BOOL MTX_Complex (MTX *M, const MTX *Re, const MTX *Im)
 Matrix M = Re + Im*i, where Re and Im are real matrices.
BOOL MTX_SetComplexColumn (MTX *M, const unsigned col, const MTX *Re, const MTX *Im)
 Set the specified column in Matrix M to Re + Im*i, where Re and Im are real matrices. The dimensions of M must already be valid.
BOOL MTX_ConvertRealToComplex (MTX *M)
 Convert a real matrix to a complex matrix.
BOOL MTX_ConvertComplexToReal (MTX *M)
 Convert a complex marix to a real matrix using only the imaginary component A = real(B).
BOOL MTX_ConvertComplexToImag (MTX *M)
 Convert a complex marix to a real matrix using only the imaginary component A = imag(B).
BOOL MTX_Real (const MTX *M, MTX *Re)
 Extract the real component of matrix M.
BOOL MTX_isReal (MTX *M, BOOL *isReal)
 Check if the matrix contains only real values. Alter the matrix if it is stored as complex and only has real values.
BOOL MTX_RealColumn (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, MTX *Re)
 Extract the real component of column col of matrix M.
BOOL MTX_Imag (const MTX *M, MTX *Im)
 Extract the imaginary component of matrix M.
BOOL MTX_ImagColumn (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, MTX *Im)
 Extract the imaginary component of column col of matrix M.
BOOL MTX_Magnitude (const MTX *M, MTX *Magnitude)
 If M is a real matrix, Magnitude is a copy. If M is a complex matrix, Magnitude is a real matrix = sqrt( re*re + im*im ).
BOOL MTX_Phase (const MTX *M, MTX *Phase)
 If M is a real matrix, Phase is a zero matrix. If M is a complex matrix, Phase is a real matrix = atan2(im,re).
BOOL MTX_Conjugate (MTX *M)
 If M is a real matrix, nothing is done. If M is a complex matrix, the conjugate is set.
BOOL MTX_RemoveColumn (MTX *M, const unsigned col)
 Remove a single column from the matrix.
BOOL MTX_RemoveColumnsAfterIndex (MTX *dst, const unsigned col)
 remove all the columns 'after' the column index given.
BOOL MTX_InsertColumn (MTX *dst, const MTX *src, const unsigned dst_col, const unsigned src_col)
 insert a column into another matrix.
BOOL MTX_AddColumn (MTX *dst, const MTX *src, const unsigned src_col)
 Add a column to the Matrix.
BOOL MTX_Concatonate (MTX *dst, const MTX *src)
 Combine two matrices with the same nrows, A becomes A|B,.
BOOL MTX_AddZeroValuedColumns (MTX *dst, const unsigned nr_new_cols)
 A becomes A|0|0|0|.. etc.
BOOL MTX_Redim (MTX *dst, const unsigned nrows, const unsigned ncols)
 Redimension the matrix, original data is saved in place, new data is set to zero.
BOOL MTX_Resize (MTX *dst, const unsigned nrows, const unsigned ncols, const BOOL isReal)
 Resize the matrix, original data is lost, new data is set to zero, must specify if the matrix is real or complex.
BOOL MTX_Copy (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Copy the src data to dst matrix, resize dst if possible & necessary.
BOOL MTX_CopyIntoColumnWiseVector (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Copy the src matrix data [m cols x n rows] to dst vector [1 col x m*n rows], resize dst if possible & necessary.
BOOL MTX_SetFromStaticMatrix (MTX *dst, const double mat[], const unsigned nrows, const unsigned ncols)
 Set the dst matrix from the static 'c' style matrix indexed by mat[i*ncols + j].
BOOL MTX_CopyColumn (const MTX *src, const unsigned col, MTX *dst)
 Copy the src data in column col to dst matrix, resize dst if possible & necessary.
BOOL MTX_CopyRow (const MTX *src, const unsigned row, MTX *dst)
 Copy the src data in row, row, to dst matrix, resize dst if possible & necessary.
BOOL MTX_CopyRowIntoAColumnMatrix (const MTX *src, const unsigned row, MTX *dst)
 Copy the src data in row 'row' (1xn) to dst matrix (nx1), resize dst if possible & necessary. dst becomes (nx1).
BOOL MTX_InsertSubMatrix (MTX *dst, const MTX *src, const unsigned dst_row, const unsigned dst_col)
 Insert a submatrix (src) into dst, starting at indices dst(row,col).
BOOL MTX_ExtractSubMatrix (const MTX *src, MTX *dst, const unsigned from_row, const unsigned from_col, const unsigned to_row, const unsigned to_col)
 Extract a submatrix (dst) from this matrix from (inclusive) the rows and columns specified.
BOOL MTX_Zero (MTX *dst)
 Zero the entire matrix.
BOOL MTX_ZeroColumn (MTX *dst, const unsigned col)
 Zero all elements in a specified column.
BOOL MTX_ZeroRow (MTX *dst, const unsigned row)
 Zero all elements in a specified row.
BOOL MTX_Fill (MTX *dst, const double value)
 Fill the matrix with the given value.
BOOL MTX_FillComplex (MTX *dst, const double re, const double im)
 Fill the matrix with the given complex value.
BOOL MTX_FillColumn (MTX *dst, const unsigned col, const double value)
 Fill the matrix column with the given value.
BOOL MTX_FillColumnComplex (MTX *dst, const unsigned col, const double re, const double im)
 Fill the matrix column with the given complex value.
BOOL MTX_FillRow (MTX *dst, const unsigned row, const double value)
 Fill the matrix row with the given value.
BOOL MTX_FillRowComplex (MTX *dst, const unsigned row, const double re, const double im)
 Fill the matrix row with the given complex value.
BOOL MTX_Identity (MTX *dst)
 Set the matrix to an identity.
BOOL MTX_ForceSymmetric (MTX *M)
 Force this square matrix to be symmetric by M = (M + T.())/2 using minimal operations.
BOOL MTX_Transpose (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Transpose the matrix src into the matris dst.
BOOL MTX_TransposeInplace (MTX *M)
 Transpose the matrix as an inplace operation.
BOOL MTX_Round (MTX *M, const unsigned precision)
 Round the matrix elements to the specified precision.
e.g. precision = 0 1.8 -> 2
e.g. precision = 1, 1.45 -> 1.5
e.g. precision = 2 1.456 -> 1.46
e.g. precision = 3, 1.4566 -> 1.457
precision has a maximum of 32. After which no rounding occurs.
 Round the matrix elements to the nearest integers towards minus infinity.
 Round the matrix elements to the nearest integers towards infinity.
 Round the matrix elements to the nearest integers towards zero. Sometimes known as trunc().
BOOL MTX_OneMinus (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Set the destination matrix to be 1.0 minus the source matrix.
BOOL MTX_DetermineFileDelimiter (const char *path, char *delimiter, BOOL *hasComment, char **comment)
 Determine the matrix file delimiter and if a comment line is available.
BOOL MTX_DetermineFileSize (const char *path, unsigned *size)
 Determine the size of a file.
BOOL MTX_DetermineNumberOfColumnsInDataString (const char *datastr, unsigned *ncols)
 Determine the number of columns in the data string provided.
BOOL MTX_DetermineNumberOfColumnsInDataStringCplx (const char *datastr, const char delimiter, unsigned *ncols)
 Determine the number of columns in the complex data string provided. The delimiter is needed, 'w' indicates whitespace.
BOOL MTX_ReadFromFileRealOnly (MTX *M, const char *path)
 Read a real-only matrix from a file (ASCII formatted, any common delimiters). This function will also read in MTX BINARY formatted files.
BOOL MTX_ReadFromFile (MTX *M, const char *path)
 Read either a real or complex matrix from a file (ASCII formatted, any common delimiters). This function will also read in MTX BINARY formatted files.
BOOL MTX_SetFromMatrixString (MTX *M, const char *strMatrix)
 Set the matrix from a matrix string.
BOOL MTX_ValueToString (const double value, const unsigned width, const unsigned precision, const BOOL isReal, const BOOL alignLeft, char *ValueBuffer, const unsigned ValueBufferSize)
 Convert a value to a string with the specified width and precision. analogous to sprintf( ValueBuffer, "%'blank''-'width.precision'g'", value );.
BOOL MTX_Print (const MTX *M, const char *path, const unsigned width, const unsigned precision, const BOOL append)
 Print the matrix to a file with specifed width and precision. MTX_PrintAutoWidth is recommended over this function, "%'blank''-'width.precision'g'".
BOOL MTX_Print_ToBuffer (const MTX *M, char *buffer, const unsigned maxlength, const unsigned width, const unsigned precision)
 Print the matrix to a buffer of maxlength with specifed width and precision. MTX_PrintAutoWidth is recommended over this function, "%'blank''-'width.precision'g'".
BOOL MTX_PrintAutoWidth (const MTX *M, const char *path, const unsigned precision, const BOOL append)
 Print the matrix to a file with automatically determined column width. and the specified precision, uses "%'blank''-'autowidth.precision'g'".
BOOL MTX_PrintStdoutAutoWidth (const MTX *M, const unsigned precision)
 Print the matrix to stdout with automatically determined column width. and the specified precision, uses "%'blank''-'autowidth.precision'g'".
BOOL MTX_PrintAutoWidth_ToBuffer (const MTX *M, char *buffer, const unsigned maxlength, const unsigned precision)
 Print the matrix to a buffer of maxlenth with automatically determined column width. and the specified precision, uses "%'blank''-'autowidth.precision'g'".
BOOL MTX_PrintDelimited (const MTX *M, const char *path, const unsigned precision, const char delimiter, const BOOL append)
 Print the matrix to a file with specifed precision and delimiter. Use MTX_PrintAutoWidth if print using whitespace as a delimiter is required, uses "%.precision'g'".
BOOL MTX_PrintDelimited_ToBuffer (const MTX *M, char *buffer, const unsigned maxlength, const unsigned precision, const char delimiter)
 Print the matrix to a file with specifed precision and delimiter. Use MTX_PrintAutoWidth if print using whitespace as a delimiter is required, uses "%.precision'g'".
BOOL MTX_PrintRowToString (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, char *buffer, const unsigned maxlength, const int width, const int precision)
 Print a row to a string buffer.
BOOL MTX_Add_Scalar (MTX *M, const double scalar)
 Adds a scalar double to matrix M, ie: M += 5.
BOOL MTX_Add_ScalarComplex (MTX *M, const double re, const double im)
 Adds a scalar complex to matrix M, ie: M += (5 + 3i).
BOOL MTX_Subtract_Scalar (MTX *M, const double scalar)
 Subtracts a scalar double from matrix M, ie: M -= 5.
BOOL MTX_Subtract_ScalarComplex (MTX *M, const double re, const double im)
 Subtracts a scaler complex from matrix M, ie: M -= (5+3i).
BOOL MTX_Multiply_Scalar (MTX *M, const double scalar)
 Multiply M with a double scalar inplace, ie: M *= 5.
BOOL MTX_Multiply_ScalarComplex (MTX *M, const double re, const double im)
 Multiply M with a complex scalar inplace, ie: M *= (5+3i).
BOOL MTX_Divide_Scalar (MTX *M, const double scalar)
 Divide M by scaler double inplace, ie: M /= 5.
BOOL MTX_Divide_ScalarComplex (MTX *M, const double re, const double im)
 Divide M by scaler complex inplace, ie: M /= (5+3i).
BOOL MTX_Negate (MTX *M)
 Change the sign of all the data in the matrix. M *= -1.
 Computes the absolute value of each element in the matrix.
BOOL MTX_acos (MTX *M)
 Compute the arc-cosine of each element of the matrix inplace. Complex results are obtained if elements are greater than abs(1).
BOOL MTX_angle (MTX *M)
 Compute the phase angle in radians of the elements in the matrix. If all elements are real, the results are 0.
BOOL MTX_asin (MTX *M)
 Compute the arc-sine of each element of the matrix inplace. Complex results are obtained if elements are greater than abs(1).
 Computes the value^2 of each element in the matrix.
 Computes the sqrt(value) of each element in the matrix. A real matrix is converted to complex if any elements are negative. e.g. sqrt(-1) = -i.
 If real, computes the exp(value) of each element in the matrix. If complex, computes exp(M) = exp(real)*(cos(imag)+i*sin(imag)).
BOOL MTX_Eye (MTX *M, const unsigned nrows, const unsigned ncols)
 Create an indentity matrix with nrows and ncols.
 Computes the natural logarithm, ln(value) of each element in the matrix.
BOOL MTX_Pow (const MTX *src, MTX *dst, const double power_re, const double power_im)
 Raise all elements in src^(power_re + power_im*i) and store in dst. If power is just real, power_im = 0.0.
BOOL MTX_PowInplace (MTX *src, const double power_re, const double power_im)
 Raise all elements in src^(power_re + power_im*i). If power is just real, power_im = 0.0.
BOOL MTX_atan (MTX *M)
 Computes the arctan, atan(value) of each element in the matrix.
BOOL MTX_Increment (MTX *M)
 Add +1.0 to all elements, e.g. M++.
BOOL MTX_Decrement (MTX *M)
 Subtract 1.0 from all elements, e.g. M--.
BOOL MTX_Add_Inplace (MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Add A += B, inplace.
BOOL MTX_Subtract_Inplace (MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Subtract A -= B, inplace.
BOOL MTX_PostMultiply_Inplace (MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Multiply A = A*B, inplace.
BOOL MTX_PostMultiplyTranspose_Inplace (MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Multiply A = A*transpose(B), inplace.
BOOL MTX_PreMultiply_Inplace (MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Multiply A = B*A, inplace.
BOOL MTX_TransposePreMultiply_Inplace (MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Multiply A = tranpose(B)*A, inplace.
BOOL MTX_DotMultiply_Inplace (MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Dot multiply A .*= B, inplace ([col][row] =[col][row]*[col][row]).
BOOL MTX_DotDivide_Inplace (MTX *A, const MTX *B)
 Dot divide A ./= B, inplace ([col][row] =[col][row]/[col][row]).
BOOL MTX_Add (MTX *A, const MTX *B, const MTX *C)
 Add A = B+C.
BOOL MTX_Subtract (MTX *A, const MTX *B, const MTX *C)
 Subtract A = B-C.
BOOL MTX_Multiply (MTX *A, const MTX *B, const MTX *C)
 Multiply A = B*C.
BOOL MTX_TransposeMultiply (MTX *A, const MTX *B, const MTX *C)
 Multiply A = transpose(B)*C.
BOOL MTX_MultiplyTranspose (MTX *A, const MTX *B, const MTX *C)
 Multiply A = B*transpose(C).
BOOL MTX_IsEqual (const MTX *A, const MTX *B, const double tolerance, BOOL *isEqual)
 Rest if A == B to within the specified tolerance.
BOOL MTX_ColumnDiff (const MTX *M, MTX *Diff, const unsigned col)
 Difference and approximte derivative for column col. The Diff is the column difference vector. diff = col[1:N-2] - col[0:N-1].
BOOL MTX_Diff (const MTX *M, MTX *Diff)
 Difference and approximate derivative. The Diff matrix is composed of the column difference vectors. for(i=0:M-1){ diff_i = col_i[1:N-2] - col_i[0:N-1] }.
BOOL MTX_MaxColIndex (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im, unsigned *row)
 Computes the maximum element in the specified column and its index. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MaxRowIndex (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im, unsigned *col)
 Computes the maximum element in the specified row and its index. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MinColIndex (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im, unsigned *row)
 Computes the minimum element in the specified column and its index. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MinRowIndex (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im, unsigned *col)
 Computes the minimum element in the specified row and its index. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MaxAbsColIndex (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value, unsigned *row)
 Computes the absolute maximum element in the specified column and its index. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MaxAbsRowIndex (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *value, unsigned *col)
 Computes the absolue maximum element in the specified row and a its column index. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MinAbsColIndex (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value, unsigned *row)
 Computes the absolute minimum element in the specified column and its index. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MinAbsRowIndex (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *value, unsigned *col)
 Computes the absolute minimum element in the specified row and its index. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MaxColumn (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the maximum element in the specified column. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_MaxRow (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the maximum element in the specified row. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_MinColumn (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the minimum element in the specified column. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_MinRow (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the minimum element in the specified row. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_MaxAbsColumn (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value)
 Computes the absolute maximum element in the specified column.
BOOL MTX_MaxAbsRow (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *value)
 Computes the absolute maximum element in the specified row.
BOOL MTX_MinAbsColumn (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value)
 Computes the absolute minimum element in the specified column.
BOOL MTX_MinAbsRow (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *value)
 Computes the absolute minimum element in the specified row.
BOOL MTX_MaxAbsIndex (const MTX *M, double *value, unsigned *row, unsigned *col)
 Computes the absolute maximum element for the entire matrix and its row and column index. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MaxIndex (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im, unsigned *row, unsigned *col)
 Computes the maximum element for the entire matrix and its row and column index. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MaxAbs (const MTX *M, double *value)
 Computes the absolute maximum element for the entire matrix.
BOOL MTX_Max (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the maximum element for the entire matrix.
BOOL MTX_MinAbsIndex (const MTX *M, double *value, unsigned *row, unsigned *col)
 Computes the absolute minimum element for the entire matrix and its row and column index. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_MinAbs (const MTX *M, double *value)
 Computes the absolute minimum element for the entire matrix.
BOOL MTX_MinIndex (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im, unsigned *row, unsigned *col)
 Computes the minimum element for the entire matrix and its row and column index. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.
BOOL MTX_Min (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the minimum element for the entire matrix.
BOOL MTX_ColumnRange (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the range of the data in the specified column. Range = MaxVal - MinVal. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_RowRange (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the range of the data in the specified row. Range = MaxVal - MinVal. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_Range (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the range of the data in the matrix. Range = MaxVal - MinVal. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_ColumnSum (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sum for the specified column. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_ColumnSumAbs (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value)
 Computes the sum of the absolute values for the specified column.
BOOL MTX_RowSum (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sum for the specified row. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_Sum (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sum of the data in the matrix . If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_ColumnMean (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample mean for the specified column. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_RowMean (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample mean for the specified row. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_Mean (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample mean for the matrix. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_ColumnStdev (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value)
 Computes the sample standard deviation for the specified column.
BOOL MTX_RowStdev (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *value)
 Computes the sample standard deviation for the specified row.
BOOL MTX_Stdev (const MTX *M, double *value)
 Computes the sample standard deviation for the matrix.
BOOL MTX_ColumnVar (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value)
 Computes the sample variance for the specified column.
BOOL MTX_RowVar (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *value)
 Computes the sample variance for the specified row.
BOOL MTX_Var (const MTX *M, double *value)
 Computes the sample variance for the matrix.
BOOL MTX_ColumnNorm (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value)
 Computes the norm of the specified column. If real, norm = sqrt( sum( val*val ) ). If complex, norm = sqrt( sum( val*conjugate(val) ) ).
BOOL MTX_RowNorm (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *value)
 Computes the norm of the specified row. If real, norm = sqrt( sum( val*val ) ). If complex, norm = sqrt( sum( val*conjugate(val) ) ).
BOOL MTX_Norm (const MTX *M, double *value)
 Computes the norm of the matrix. If real, norm = sqrt( sum( val*val ) ). If complex, norm = sqrt( sum( val*conjugate(val) ) ).
BOOL MTX_ColumnRMS (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *value)
 Computes the sample RMS value for the specified column.
BOOL MTX_RowRMS (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *value)
 Computes the sample RMS value for the specified row.
BOOL MTX_RMS (const MTX *M, double *value)
 Computes the sample RMS value for the matrix.
BOOL MTX_ColumnSkewness (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample skewness value for the specified column. The skewness is the third central moment divided by the cube of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_RowSkewness (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample skewness value for the specified row. The skewness is the third central moment divided by the cube of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_Skewness (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample skewness value for the matrix. The skewness is the third central moment divided by the cube of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_ColumnKurtosis (const MTX *M, const unsigned col, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample kurtosis value for the specified column. The kurtosis is the fourth central moment divided by fourth power of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. To adjust the computed kurtosis value for bias, subtract 3 from the real component. Reference: Reference: (kurtosis proper is computed).
BOOL MTX_RowKurtosis (const MTX *M, const unsigned row, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample kurtosis value for the specified row. The kurtosis is the fourth central moment divided by fourth power of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. To adjust the computed kurtosis value for bias, subtract 3 from the real component. Reference: Reference: (kurtosis proper is computed).
BOOL MTX_Kurtosis (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the sample kurtosis value for the matrix. The kurtosis is the fourth central moment divided by fourth power of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. To adjust the computed kurtosis value for bias, subtract 3 from the real component. Reference: Reference: (kurtosis proper is computed).
BOOL MTX_Trace (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the trace of M where M is a square matrix. Trace = Sum of diagonal elements. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_Diagonal (const MTX *M, MTX *D)
 Sets the diagonal elements of M into D as a column vector.
BOOL MTX_FlipColumn (MTX *M, const unsigned col)
 Reverse the order of elements of a column.
BOOL MTX_FlipRow (MTX *M, const unsigned row)
 Reverse the order of elements of a row.
BOOL MTX_SortAscending (MTX *M)
 Sorts each column of M in ascending order. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.
BOOL MTX_SortDescending (MTX *M)
 Sorts each column of M in descending order. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.
BOOL MTX_SortColumnAscending (MTX *M, const unsigned col)
 Sorts a specific column in ascending order. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.
BOOL MTX_SortColumnDescending (MTX *M, const unsigned col)
 Sorts a specific column in descending order. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.
BOOL MTX_SortColumnIndexed (MTX *M, const unsigned col, MTX *index)
 Sorts a specific column in ascending order and fills a MTX column vector with the sorted index. The index vector will be resized if index->nrows != M->nrows If complex, sorts based on magnitude.
BOOL MTX_SortByColumn (MTX *M, const unsigned col)
 Sorts the entire matrix by a specific column. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.
BOOL MTX_SaveCompressed (const MTX *M, const char *path)
 Saves a matrix to the specified file path using a proprietary compressed format. ADVANCED EDITION ONLY!
BOOL MTX_GetCompressedFileAttributes (const char *path, unsigned *nrows, unsigned *ncols, BOOL *isReal)
 Get attributes of the compressed file.
BOOL MTX_ReadCompressed (MTX *M, const char *path)
 Loads a binary compressed matrix that was saved using the MTX_SaveCompressed function.
BOOL MTX_LoadAndSave (const char *infilepath, const char *outfilepath)
 Read an ASCII matrix data file and save it using MTX_SaveCompressed. ADVANCED EDITION ONLY!
BOOL MTX_LoadAndSaveQuick (const char *infilepath)
 Read an ASCII matrix data file and save it using MTX_SaveCompressed. This version saves the data to the same base filename and uses the .mtx extension. ADVANCED EDITION ONLY!
BOOL MTX_TimeWindow (MTX *M, const unsigned timeColumn, const double startTime, const double duration, const double rolloverTime)
 Alter the matrix, M, so that its data is within the startTime to the startTime+duration and compensate for any rollovers in the time system (e.g. GPS time in seconds rolls over at 604800.0 s). This function assumes that time is one of the matrix columns and requires this index, the timeColumn.
BOOL MTX_TimeLimit (MTX *M, const unsigned timeColumn, const double startTime, const double endTime)
 Alter the matrix, M, so that its data is within [startTime endTime]. This function assumes that time is one of the matrix columns and requires this index, the timeColumn.
BOOL MTX_TimeMatch (MTX *A, const unsigned timeColumnA, MTX *B, const unsigned timeColumnB, const unsigned precision, const double rolloverTime)
 This function matches matrices in time with specified precision where time is a column of each matrix. This function also allows time to rollover at a specified interval.
BOOL MTX_Interpolate (MTX *A, const unsigned timeColumnA, MTX *B, const unsigned timeColumnB, const double maxInterpolationInterval, const double rolloverTime)
 This function interpolates Matrix B values by the times defined in the column in Matrix A. Time must be increasing but times can rollover with the specified rolloverTime.
BOOL MTX_InvertInPlaceClosedForm (MTX *M)
 Compute the inplace inverse of the matrix. Uses fast closed form solutions for: Only for: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3.
BOOL MTX_InvertClosedForm (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Compute the inplace inverse of the matrix. Uses fast closed form solutions for: Only for: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3.
BOOL MTX_InvertInPlace (MTX *M)
 Compute the inplace inverse of a matrix.
BOOL MTX_Invert (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Compute the inverse of a matrix.
BOOL MTX_InvertInPlaceRobust (MTX *M)
 Perfroms an inplace matrix inverse using Gaussian Elimination methods.
BOOL MTX_ColumnMovAvg (const MTX *src, const unsigned col, const unsigned nlead, const unsigned nlag, MTX *dst)
 Computes a moving average using N lead samples and M lagging samples for the specified column and stores it in dst.
BOOL MTX_MovAvg (const MTX *src, const unsigned nlead, const unsigned nlag, MTX *dst)
 Computes a moving average using N lead samples and M lagging samples for the matrix and stores it in dst.
BOOL MTX_ATAInverse (const MTX *A, MTX *InvATA)
 Computes: InvATA = inverse( transpose(A) * A ).
BOOL MTX_LowerTriangularInverseInplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the inplace inverse of a unit lower triangular matrix. An example unit lower triangular matrix is:
A = [ 1 0 0;
-2 2 0;
4 -3 3 ]; with
inv(A) = [ 1 0 0;
1 1/2 0;
-1/3 1/2 1/3 ];
BOOL MTX_Det (const MTX *M, double *re, double *im)
 Computes the determinatnt of the square matrix M. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.
BOOL MTX_LUFactorization (const MTX *src, BOOL *IsFullRank, MTX *P, MTX *L, MTX *U)
 LU factorization. Performs a factorization to produce a unit lower triangular matrix, L, an upper triangular matrix, U, and permutation matrix P so that P*X = L*U. P, L and U are copmuted correctly if IsFullRank is set to true.
BOOL MTX_IndexedValues (const MTX *src, const MTX *row_index, const MTX *col_index, MTX *dst)
 Retrieve the elements of the matrix specified by the index vectors. The index vectors must be nx1 real vectors.
BOOL MTX_SetIndexedValues (MTX *dst, const MTX *row_index, const MTX *col_index, const MTX *src)
 Set the elements of the matrix specified by the index vectors. The index vectors must be nx1 real vectors.
BOOL MTX_FFT2 (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Compute the Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform of the src matrix and store it in the dst matrix.
BOOL MTX_FFT2_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the inplace two dimensional Fast Fourier Transform of the matrix.
BOOL MTX_IFFT2 (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Compute the Two-Dimensional Inverse Fast Fourier Transform of the src matrix and store it in the dst matrix.
BOOL MTX_IFFT2_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the inplace two dimensional inverse Fast Fourier Transform of the matrix.
BOOL MTX_FFT (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Compute the Fast Fourier Transform of each columns in the src matrix and store it in the dst matrix.
BOOL MTX_IFFT (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Compute the inverse Fast Fourier Transform of each columns in the src matrix and store it in the dst matrix.
BOOL MTX_FFT_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the inplace Fast Fourier Transform of each column of the matrix.
BOOL MTX_IFFT_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the inplace inverse Fast Fourier Transform of each column of the matrix.
BOOL MTX_sin (MTX *src)
 Compute the sine of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.
BOOL MTX_sinc (MTX *src)
 Compute the sin(pi*x)/(pi*) of each element in the matrix.
BOOL MTX_sinh (MTX *src)
 Compute the hyperbolic sine of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.
BOOL MTX_asinh (MTX *src)
 Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine of each element in the matrix. Results in radians.
BOOL MTX_cos (MTX *src)
 Compute the cosine of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.
BOOL MTX_cosh (MTX *src)
 Compute the hyperbolic cosine of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.
BOOL MTX_acosh (MTX *src)
 Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine of each element in the matrix. Results in radians.
BOOL MTX_tan (MTX *src)
 Compute the tangent of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.
BOOL MTX_tanh (MTX *src)
 Compute the hyperbolic tangent of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.
BOOL MTX_atanh (MTX *src)
 Compute the inverse hyperbolic tangent of each element in the matrix. Results in radians.
BOOL MTX_cot (MTX *src)
 Compute the cotangent of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.
BOOL MTX_coth (MTX *src)
 Compute the hyperbolic cotangent of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.
BOOL MTX_Inv (MTX *src)
 Compute the inverse, 1.0/x, inplace for each element of the matrix.
BOOL MTX_Colon (MTX *dst, const double start, const double increment, const double end)
 Create a column vector [start:increment:end) beginning at start with step size of increment until less than or equal to end. Note that arguments must be real scalars.
e.g. a = 2:2:9 = [2; 4; 6; 8;]
e.g. b = 2:-2:-9 = [2; 0; -2; -4; -6; -9;]
BOOL MTX_RemoveRowsAndColumns (MTX *src, const unsigned nrows, const unsigned rows[], const unsigned ncols, const unsigned cols[])
 A very efficient method to remove rows and columns from the matrix.
BOOL MTX_IsNAN (double value)
 Test if a double value is NaN.
BOOL MTX_IsPostiveINF (double value)
 Test if a double value is +INF.
BOOL MTX_IsNegativeINF (double value)
 Test if a double value is -INF.
BOOL MTX_randn (MTX *M, const unsigned nrows, const unsigned ncols, const unsigned seed)
 Produce a matrix that is composed of pseudo-random numbers. Values are elements are standard normal distribution with mean zero, variance of one and standard of deviation one. N(0,1).
BOOL MTX_rand (MTX *M, const unsigned nrows, const unsigned ncols, const unsigned seed)
 Produce a matrix that is composed of pseudo-random numbers. Values are elements are uniform distribution [0,1].
BOOL MTX_PlotQuick (MTX *M, const char *bmpfilename, const unsigned x_col, const unsigned y_col)
 A quick plot, to a RLE compressed windows bitmap file, x_column vs y_column of the matrix M.
BOOL MTX_Plot (const char *bmpfilename, const char *title, const unsigned plot_height_cm, const unsigned plot_width_cm, const BOOL includeStats, const BOOL isXGridOn, const BOOL isYGridOn, const char *xlabel, const char *ylabel, const MTX_structAxisOptions opt_x, const MTX_structAxisOptions opt_y, const MTX_PLOT_structSeries *series, const unsigned nrSeries)
 Plot up to 12 series on one figure directly to an RLE compressed BITMAP file.
BOOL MTX_AddIdentity (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Add this matrix and an identity matrix. Adds 1.0 to the diagonal even if not square.
BOOL MTX_AddIdentity_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Add this matrix and an identity matrix. Adds 1.0 to the diagonal even if not square.
BOOL MTX_MinusIdentity (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Subtract an identity matrix from this matrix. Subtracts 1.0 from the diagonal even if not square.
BOOL MTX_MinusIdentity_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Subtract an identity matrix from this matrix. Subtracts 1.0 from the diagonal even if not square.
BOOL MTX_IdentityMinus (const MTX *src, MTX *dst)
 Subtract this matrix from an identity matrix. Subtracts the diagonal from 1.0 even if not square.
BOOL MTX_IdentityMinus_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Subtract this matrix from an identity matrix. Subtracts the diagonal from 1.0 even if not square.
BOOL MTX_Hilbert (MTX *src, const unsigned N)
 Sets the matrix as the NxN hilbert matrix. H_ij = 1.0 / (i+j-1.0) for i=1:N, j=1:N.
 Swap the contents of matrix A with matrix B.
BOOL MTX_LDLt (MTX *src, MTX *L, MTX *d, BOOL checkSymmetric)
 Compute the LDLt decomposition of a square matrix. This method avoids using square roots and can be used for any square, full rank, symmetrical matrix.
BOOL MTX_UDUt (MTX *src, MTX *U, MTX *d, BOOL checkSymmetric)
 Compute the UDUt decomposition of a square matrix. This method avoids using square roots and can be used for any square, full rank, symmetrical matrix.
BOOL MTX_erf_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the error function (erf) for all values in the matrix inplace.
erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi) * [integral from 0 to x of]( e^(-t^2) )dt.
BOOL MTX_erfinv_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the inverse error function (erfinv) for all values in the matrix inplace.
y = erf(x), compute x given y, i.e. x = erfinv(y).
BOOL MTX_erfc_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the complementary error function (erfc) for all values in the matrix inplace. erfc(x) = 1 - erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi) * [integral from x to inf of]( e^(-t^2) )dt.
BOOL MTX_erfcinv_Inplace (MTX *src)
 Compute the inverse complementary error function (erfcinv) for all values in the matrix inplace.
BOOL MTX_find_column_values_equalto (const MTX *src, const unsigned col, MTX *indexVector, const double re, const double im, const double tolerance)
 Set the index vector so that it contains are the indices of values that are equal to the value specified with the given tolerance from the column of the src matrix.
BOOL MTX_find_column_values_not_equalto (const MTX *src, const unsigned col, MTX *indexVector, const double re, const double im, const double tolerance)
 Set the index vector so that it contains are the indices of values that are not equal to the value specified with the given tolerance from the column of the src matrix.
BOOL MTX_find_column_values_less_than (const MTX *src, const unsigned col, MTX *indexVector, const double value)
 Set the index vector so that it contains are the indices of values that are less then to the value specified with the given tolerance from the column of the src matrix. Complex matrix values are compared to the value by magnitude (i.e. sqrt(re*re+im*im)).
BOOL MTX_find_column_values_more_than (const MTX *src, const unsigned col, MTX *indexVector, const double value)
 Set the index vector so that it contains are the indices of values that are more then to the value specified with the given tolerance from the column of the src matrix. Complex matrix values are compared to the value by magnitude (i.e. sqrt(re*re+im*im)).


BOOL MTX_static_global_treat_1x1_as_scalar = TRUE
 This static global variable indicates whether matrix operations for single elements are treated as scalar operations. e.g. A = B*C, B is 1x1 C is 10x10. If this was disabled, this operation would return FALSE as an error. When enabled, A, is treated as a scalar and is multiplied into every element of C.

Define Documentation

#define HALFPI   (1.5707963267948966192313216916398)


Definition at line 93 of file cmatrix.c.

#define MTX_ID_COMPRESSED_01   ("MTX01\n")

identifier used to indicate a file stored using SaveCompressed (version 1)

Definition at line 103 of file cmatrix.c.

#define MTX_ID_LEGACY_V01   ("Matrix\n")

legacy identifier used to indicate a file stored using Save with imprecise double RLE

Definition at line 104 of file cmatrix.c.

#define MTX_ID_LEGACY_V02   ("MTXV02\n")

legacy identifier used to indicate a file stored using Save with imprecise double RLE

Definition at line 105 of file cmatrix.c.

#define MTX_NK   (8)

the number of byte columns used to represent a column of doubles when using MTX_ID_COMPRESSED_01

Definition at line 112 of file cmatrix.c.

#define MTX_VERSION_NR_COMPRESSED_01   (102)

identifier used to indicate a file stored using SaveCompressed (version 1)

Definition at line 108 of file cmatrix.c.

#define MTX_VERSION_NR_DEFAULT   (101)

identifier used to indicate a file stored using basic Save

Definition at line 107 of file cmatrix.c.

#define MTX_VERSION_NR_LEGACY_V01   (1)

legacy identifier used to indicate a file stored using Save with imprecise double RLE

Definition at line 109 of file cmatrix.c.

#define MTX_VERSION_NR_LEGACY_V02   (2)

legacy identifier used to indicate a file stored using Save with imprecise double RLE

Definition at line 110 of file cmatrix.c.

#define PI   (3.1415926535897932384626433832795)

better value

Definition at line 85 of file cmatrix.c.

#define TWOPI   (6.283185307179586476925286766559)


Definition at line 89 of file cmatrix.c.

Function Documentation

BOOL MTX_Abs ( MTX M  ) 

Computes the absolute value of each element in the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8235 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_acos ( MTX M  ) 

Compute the arc-cosine of each element of the matrix inplace. Complex results are obtained if elements are greater than abs(1).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8309 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_acosh ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine of each element in the matrix. Results in radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19271 of file cmatrix.c.

const MTX B,
const MTX C 

Add A = B+C.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9658 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Add_Inplace ( MTX A,
const MTX B 

Add A += B, inplace.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9070 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Add_Scalar ( MTX M,
const double  scalar 

Adds a scalar double to matrix M, ie: M += 5.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 7872 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Add_ScalarComplex ( MTX M,
const double  re,
const double  im 

Adds a scalar complex to matrix M, ie: M += (5 + 3i).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 7903 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_AddColumn ( MTX dst,
const MTX src,
const unsigned  src_col 

Add a column to the Matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1689 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_AddIdentity ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Add this matrix and an identity matrix. Adds 1.0 to the diagonal even if not square.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20632 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_AddIdentity_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Add this matrix and an identity matrix. Adds 1.0 to the diagonal even if not square.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20658 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_AddZeroValuedColumns ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  nr_new_cols 

A becomes A|0|0|0|.. etc.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1845 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_angle ( MTX M  ) 

Compute the phase angle in radians of the elements in the matrix. If all elements are real, the results are 0.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8396 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_asin ( MTX M  ) 

Compute the arc-sine of each element of the matrix inplace. Complex results are obtained if elements are greater than abs(1).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8425 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_asinh ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine of each element in the matrix. Results in radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19086 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ATAInverse ( const MTX A,

Computes: InvATA = inverse( transpose(A) * A ).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 17322 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_atan ( MTX M  ) 

Computes the arctan, atan(value) of each element in the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8949 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_atanh ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inverse hyperbolic tangent of each element in the matrix. Results in radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19515 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Calloc ( MTX M,
const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  ncols,
const BOOL  isReal 

Allocate matrix data (set to zero).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 544 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Ceil ( MTX M  ) 

Round the matrix elements to the nearest integers towards infinity.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3170 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Colon ( MTX dst,
const double  start,
const double  increment,
const double  end 

Create a column vector [start:increment:end) beginning at start with step size of increment until less than or equal to end. Note that arguments must be real scalars.
e.g. a = 2:2:9 = [2; 4; 6; 8;]
e.g. b = 2:-2:-9 = [2; 0; -2; -4; -6; -9;]

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19670 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnDiff ( const MTX M,
MTX Diff,
const unsigned  col 

Difference and approximte derivative for column col. The Diff is the column difference vector. diff = col[1:N-2] - col[0:N-1].

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 10759 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnKurtosis ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample kurtosis value for the specified column. The kurtosis is the fourth central moment divided by fourth power of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. To adjust the computed kurtosis value for bias, subtract 3 from the real component. Reference: Reference: (kurtosis proper is computed).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12821 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnMean ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample mean for the specified column. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11985 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnMovAvg ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  col,
const unsigned  lead,
const unsigned  lag,
MTX dst 

Computes a moving average using N lead samples and M lagging samples for the specified column and stores it in dst.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 17159 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnNorm ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value 

Computes the norm of the specified column. If real, norm = sqrt( sum( val*val ) ). If complex, norm = sqrt( sum( val*conjugate(val) ) ).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12277 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnRange ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the range of the data in the specified column. Range = MaxVal - MinVal. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11743 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnRMS ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value 

Computes the sample RMS value for the specified column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12377 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnSkewness ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample skewness value for the specified column. The skewness is the third central moment divided by the cube of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12437 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnStdev ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value 

Computes the sample standard deviation for the specified column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12094 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnSum ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sum for the specified column. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11833 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnSumAbs ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value 

Computes the sum of the absolute values for the specified column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11871 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ColumnVar ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value 

Computes the sample variance for the specified column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12241 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Complex ( MTX M,
const MTX Re,
const MTX Im 

Matrix M = Re + Im*i, where Re and Im are real matrices.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 779 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Concatonate ( MTX dst,
const MTX src 

Combine two matrices with the same nrows, A becomes A|B,.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1694 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Conjugate ( MTX M  ) 

If M is a real matrix, nothing is done. If M is a complex matrix, the conjugate is set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1328 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ConvertComplexToImag ( MTX M  ) 

Convert a complex marix to a real matrix using only the imaginary component A = imag(B).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 973 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ConvertComplexToReal ( MTX M  ) 

Convert a complex marix to a real matrix using only the imaginary component A = real(B).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 968 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ConvertRealToComplex ( MTX M  ) 

Convert a real matrix to a complex matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 906 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Copy ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Copy the src data to dst matrix, resize dst if possible & necessary.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2085 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_CopyColumn ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  col,
MTX dst 

Copy the src data in column col to dst matrix, resize dst if possible & necessary.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2224 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_CopyIntoColumnWiseVector ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Copy the src matrix data [m cols x n rows] to dst vector [1 col x m*n rows], resize dst if possible & necessary.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2138 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_CopyRow ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  row,
MTX dst 

Copy the src data in row, row, to dst matrix, resize dst if possible & necessary.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2271 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_CopyRowIntoAColumnMatrix ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  row,
MTX dst 

Copy the src data in row 'row' (1xn) to dst matrix (nx1), resize dst if possible & necessary. dst becomes (nx1).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2311 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_cos ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the cosine of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19141 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_cosh ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the hyperbolic cosine of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19182 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_cot ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the cotangent of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19578 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_coth ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the hyperbolic cotangent of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19595 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Decrement ( MTX M  ) 

Subtract 1.0 from all elements, e.g. M--.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9065 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Det ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the determinatnt of the square matrix M. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 17498 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_DetermineFileDelimiter ( const char *  path,
char *  delimiter,
BOOL *  hasComment,
char **  comment 

Determine the matrix file delimiter and if a comment line is available.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
path  path to the input file
delimiter  delimiter, 'b' is binary
hasComment  BOOL to indicate if a comment line is present
comment  pointer to a string to store the comment line, *comment memory must be freed later.

Definition at line 3289 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_DetermineFileSize ( const char *  path,
unsigned *  size 

Determine the size of a file.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3449 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_DetermineNumberOfColumnsInDataString ( const char *  datastr,
unsigned *  ncols 

Determine the number of columns in the data string provided.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3498 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_DetermineNumberOfColumnsInDataStringCplx ( const char *  datastr,
const char  delimiter,
unsigned *  ncols 

Determine the number of columns in the complex data string provided. The delimiter is needed, 'w' indicates whitespace.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3587 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Diagonal ( const MTX M,

Sets the diagonal elements of M into D as a column vector.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13197 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Diff ( const MTX M,
MTX Diff 

Difference and approximate derivative. The Diff matrix is composed of the column difference vectors. for(i=0:M-1){ diff_i = col_i[1:N-2] - col_i[0:N-1] }.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 10817 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Divide_Scalar ( MTX M,
const double  scalar 

Divide M by scaler double inplace, ie: M /= 5.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8121 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Divide_ScalarComplex ( MTX M,
const double  re,
const double  im 

Divide M by scaler complex inplace, ie: M /= (5+3i).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8156 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_DotDivide_Inplace ( MTX A,
const MTX B 

Dot divide A ./= B, inplace ([col][row] =[col][row]/[col][row]).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9490 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_DotMultiply_Inplace ( MTX A,
const MTX B 

Dot multiply A .*= B, inplace ([col][row] =[col][row]*[col][row]).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9384 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Enable1x1MatricesForTreatmentAsScalars ( BOOL  enable  ) 

This function is used to set if matrices that are single elements (1x1) are treated as scalars for math operations or whether the regular matrix rules apply. THIS IS ENABLED BY DEFAULT.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 338 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_erf_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the error function (erf) for all values in the matrix inplace.
erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi) * [integral from 0 to x of]( e^(-t^2) )dt.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 21141 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_erfc_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the complementary error function (erfc) for all values in the matrix inplace. erfc(x) = 1 - erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi) * [integral from x to inf of]( e^(-t^2) )dt.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 21314 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_erfcinv_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inverse complementary error function (erfcinv) for all values in the matrix inplace.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 21364 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_erfinv_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inverse error function (erfinv) for all values in the matrix inplace.
y = erf(x), compute x given y, i.e. x = erfinv(y).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 21192 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Exp ( MTX M  ) 

If real, computes the exp(value) of each element in the matrix. If complex, computes exp(M) = exp(real)*(cos(imag)+i*sin(imag)).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8645 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ExtractSubMatrix ( const MTX src,
MTX dst,
const unsigned  from_row,
const unsigned  from_col,
const unsigned  to_row,
const unsigned  to_col 

Extract a submatrix (dst) from this matrix from (inclusive) the rows and columns specified.

BOOL result;
MTX_Init( &A );
MTX_Init( &B );

result = MTX_SetFromMatrixString( &A, "[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]" );
result = MTX_ExtractSubMatrix( &A, &B, 1, 0, 2, 2 );
// B == [4 5 6; 7 8 9]

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
src  The source matrix.
dst  The destination matrix to contain the submatrix.
from_row  The zero-based index for the from row.
from_col  The zero-based index for the from column.
to_row  The zero-based index for the to row.
to_col  The zero-based index for the to column.

Definition at line 2422 of file cmatrix.c.

const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  ncols 

Create an indentity matrix with nrows and ncols.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8717 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FFT ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Compute the Fast Fourier Transform of each columns in the src matrix and store it in the dst matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18745 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FFT2 ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Compute the Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform of the src matrix and store it in the dst matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18548 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FFT2_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inplace two dimensional Fast Fourier Transform of the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18599 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FFT_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inplace Fast Fourier Transform of each column of the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18755 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Fill ( MTX dst,
const double  value 

Fill the matrix with the given value.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2568 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FillColumn ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  col,
const double  value 

Fill the matrix column with the given value.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2647 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FillColumnComplex ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  col,
const double  re,
const double  im 

Fill the matrix column with the given complex value.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2682 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FillComplex ( MTX dst,
const double  re,
const double  im 

Fill the matrix with the given complex value.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2609 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FillRow ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  row,
const double  value 

Fill the matrix row with the given value.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2716 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FillRowComplex ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  row,
const double  re,
const double  im 

Fill the matrix row with the given complex value.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2748 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_find_column_values_equalto ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  col,
MTX indexVector,
const double  re,
const double  im,
const double  tolerance 

Set the index vector so that it contains are the indices of values that are equal to the value specified with the given tolerance from the column of the src matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
src  The source matrix to search.
col  The zero-based index of the column which is searched.
indexVector  This is the index vector corresponding to the equal values in the source matrix.
re  The real part of the equal to value.
im  The imaginary part of the equal to value.
tolerance  The search tolerance. e.g. 1.0e-12.

Definition at line 21620 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_find_column_values_less_than ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  col,
MTX indexVector,
const double  value 

Set the index vector so that it contains are the indices of values that are less then to the value specified with the given tolerance from the column of the src matrix. Complex matrix values are compared to the value by magnitude (i.e. sqrt(re*re+im*im)).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
src  The source matrix to search.
col  The zero-based index of the column which is searched.
indexVector  This is the index vector of the values desired.
value  The comparison value.

Definition at line 21819 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_find_column_values_more_than ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  col,
MTX indexVector,
const double  value 

Set the index vector so that it contains are the indices of values that are more then to the value specified with the given tolerance from the column of the src matrix. Complex matrix values are compared to the value by magnitude (i.e. sqrt(re*re+im*im)).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
src  The source matrix to search.
col  The zero-based index of the column which is searched.
indexVector  This is the index vector of the values desired.
value  The comparison value.

Definition at line 21901 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_find_column_values_not_equalto ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  col,
MTX indexVector,
const double  re,
const double  im,
const double  tolerance 

Set the index vector so that it contains are the indices of values that are not equal to the value specified with the given tolerance from the column of the src matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
src  The source matrix to search.
col  The zero-based index of the column which is searched.
indexVector  This is the index vector corresponding to the values that are not equal in the source matrix.
re  The real part of the value.
im  The imaginary part of the value.
tolerance  The search tolerance. e.g. 1.0e-12.

Definition at line 21717 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Fix ( MTX M  ) 

Round the matrix elements to the nearest integers towards zero. Sometimes known as trunc().

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3206 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_FlipColumn ( MTX M,
const unsigned  col 

Reverse the order of elements of a column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13231 of file cmatrix.c.

const unsigned  row 

Reverse the order of elements of a row.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13273 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Floor ( MTX M  ) 

Round the matrix elements to the nearest integers towards minus infinity.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3134 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ForceSymmetric ( MTX M  ) 

Force this square matrix to be symmetric by M = (M + T.())/2 using minimal operations.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2824 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Free ( MTX M  ) 

Clear the matrix data from memory if dynamically allocated. Zero the struct members.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 467 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_GetCompressedFileAttributes ( const char *  path,
unsigned *  nrows,
unsigned *  ncols,
BOOL *  isReal 

Get attributes of the compressed file.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 14329 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Hilbert ( MTX src,
const unsigned  N 

Sets the matrix as the NxN hilbert matrix. H_ij = 1.0 / (i+j-1.0) for i=1:N, j=1:N.

BOOL result;
MTX_Init( &H );
result = MTX_Hilbert( &H, 3);
// H == "[1 1/2 1/3; 1/2 1/3 1/4; 1/3 1/4 1/5]";

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20786 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Identity ( MTX dst  ) 

Set the matrix to an identity.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2784 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IdentityMinus ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Subtract this matrix from an identity matrix. Subtracts the diagonal from 1.0 even if not square.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20727 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IdentityMinus_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Subtract this matrix from an identity matrix. Subtracts the diagonal from 1.0 even if not square.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20759 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IFFT ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Compute the inverse Fast Fourier Transform of each columns in the src matrix and store it in the dst matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18750 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IFFT2 ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Compute the Two-Dimensional Inverse Fast Fourier Transform of the src matrix and store it in the dst matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18646 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IFFT2_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inplace two dimensional inverse Fast Fourier Transform of the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18698 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IFFT_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inplace inverse Fast Fourier Transform of each column of the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18760 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Imag ( const MTX M,

Extract the imaginary component of matrix M.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1173 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ImagColumn ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,

Extract the imaginary component of column col of matrix M.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1203 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Increment ( MTX M  ) 

Add +1.0 to all elements, e.g. M++.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9060 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IndexedValues ( const MTX src,
const MTX row_index,
const MTX col_index,
MTX dst 

Retrieve the elements of the matrix specified by the index vectors. The index vectors must be nx1 real vectors.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18320 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Init ( MTX M  ) 

Initialize a MTX matrix struct to appropriate zero values. This must always be called for proper operation!

 MTX matrix;
 MTX_Init( &matrix );

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 400 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Initialize_MTXEngine (  ) 

This function must be called first by users of cmatrix!

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 333 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_InsertColumn ( MTX dst,
const MTX src,
const unsigned  dst_col,
const unsigned  src_col 

insert a column into another matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1517 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_InsertSubMatrix ( MTX dst,
const MTX src,
const unsigned  dst_row,
const unsigned  dst_col 

Insert a submatrix (src) into dst, starting at indices dst(row,col).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2351 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Interpolate ( MTX A,
const unsigned  timeColumnA,
const unsigned  timeColumnB,
const double  maxInterpolationInterval,
const double  rolloverTime 

This function interpolates Matrix B values by the times defined in the column in Matrix A. Time must be increasing but times can rollover with the specified rolloverTime.

This function returns A and B with the same number of rows and time aligned time columns.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
A  The matrix with interpolation times
timeColumnA  The zero based column index for matrix A
B  The matrix to be interpolated
timeColumnB  The zero based column index for matrix B
maxInterpolationInterval  The largest interpolation interval allowed
rolloverTime  The rollover time, e.g. 60 s for minute based timing, 0.0 means rollovers not allowed

Definition at line 15624 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Inv ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inverse, 1.0/x, inplace for each element of the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19612 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Invert ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Compute the inverse of a matrix.

The matrix is first tested to determine if it is a symmetric positive-definite matrix. If so, Cholesky decomposition is used to facilitate the inversion of a lower triangular matrix. If the matrix is not symmetric and positive-definite robust inversion using gaussing elimination is attempted.

3x3 matrices or smaller dimensions are computed using MTX_InvertClosedForm.

If the matrix is singular, the original matrix is unchanged.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 16528 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_InvertClosedForm ( const MTX M,
MTX dst 

Compute the inplace inverse of the matrix. Uses fast closed form solutions for: Only for: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3.

TRUE if successful, FALSE if empty or has dimensions larger than 3x3, false if singular or not square

Definition at line 16039 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_InvertInPlace ( MTX M  ) 

Compute the inplace inverse of a matrix.

The matrix is first tested to determine if it is a symmetric positive-definite matrix. If so, Cholesky decomposition is used to facilitate the inversion of a lower triangular matrix. If the matrix is not symmetric and positive-definite robust inversion using gaussing elimination is attempted.

3x3 matrices or smaller dimensions are computed using MTX_InvertInPlaceClosedForm.

If the matrix is singular, the original matrix is unchanged.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 16329 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_InvertInPlaceClosedForm ( MTX M  ) 

Compute the inplace inverse of the matrix. Uses fast closed form solutions for: Only for: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3.

If the matrix is singular, the original matrix is unchanged.

TRUE if successful, FALSE if empty or has dimensions larger than 3x3, false if singular or not square

Definition at line 15760 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_InvertInPlaceRobust ( MTX M  ) 

Perfroms an inplace matrix inverse using Gaussian Elimination methods.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 16719 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_isConformalForAddition ( const MTX A,
const MTX B 

Are matrices A & B conformat for addition/subtraction, real + real.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 369 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_isConformalForMultiplication ( const MTX A,
const MTX B 

Are matrices A & B conformal for multiplication, real * real.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 355 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IsEqual ( const MTX A,
const MTX B,
const double  tolerance,
BOOL *  isEqual 

Rest if A == B to within the specified tolerance.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 10541 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IsNAN ( double  value  ) 

Test if a double value is NaN.

Definition at line 19865 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IsNegativeINF ( double  value  ) 

Test if a double value is -INF.

Definition at line 19913 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_isNull ( const MTX M  ) 

Is this a null matrix?

TRUE if the matrix is null, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 344 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_IsPostiveINF ( double  value  ) 

Test if a double value is +INF.

Definition at line 19882 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_isReal ( MTX M,
BOOL *  isReal 

Check if the matrix contains only real values. Alter the matrix if it is stored as complex and only has real values.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1089 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_isSameSize ( const MTX A,
const MTX B 

are A and B the same size?

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 394 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_isSquare ( const MTX A  ) 

Is this a square matrix?

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 384 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Kurtosis ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample kurtosis value for the matrix. The kurtosis is the fourth central moment divided by fourth power of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. To adjust the computed kurtosis value for bias, subtract 3 from the real component. Reference: Reference: (kurtosis proper is computed).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13051 of file cmatrix.c.

MTX d,
BOOL  checkSymmetric 

Compute the LDLt decomposition of a square matrix. This method avoids using square roots and can be used for any square, full rank, symmetrical matrix.

TRUE if succesful, FALSE otherwise. FALSE if not full rank.
src  src = L*D*Lt
L  src = L*D*Lt
d  src = L*D*Lt, d it the vector diagonal of D.
checkSymmetric  Option to enable/disable checking the src matrix for symmetry.

Definition at line 20860 of file cmatrix.c.


Computes the natural logarithm, ln(value) of each element in the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8742 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_LoadAndSave ( const char *  infilepath,
const char *  outfilepath 

Read an ASCII matrix data file and save it using MTX_SaveCompressed. ADVANCED EDITION ONLY!

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 15219 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_LoadAndSaveQuick ( const char *  infilepath  ) 

Read an ASCII matrix data file and save it using MTX_SaveCompressed. This version saves the data to the same base filename and uses the .mtx extension. ADVANCED EDITION ONLY!

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 15242 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_LowerTriangularInverseInplace ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the inplace inverse of a unit lower triangular matrix. An example unit lower triangular matrix is:
A = [ 1 0 0;
-2 2 0;
4 -3 3 ]; with
inv(A) = [ 1 0 0;
1 1/2 0;
-1/3 1/2 1/3 ];

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 17379 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_LUFactorization ( const MTX src,
BOOL *  IsFullRank,

LU factorization. Performs a factorization to produce a unit lower triangular matrix, L, an upper triangular matrix, U, and permutation matrix P so that P*X = L*U. P, L and U are copmuted correctly if IsFullRank is set to true.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 17946 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Magnitude ( const MTX M,
MTX Magnitude 

If M is a real matrix, Magnitude is a copy. If M is a complex matrix, Magnitude is a real matrix = sqrt( re*re + im*im ).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1235 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Malloc ( MTX M,
const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  ncols,
const BOOL  isReal 

Allocate matrix data (not set to zero).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 539 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Max ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the maximum element for the entire matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11535 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxAbs ( const MTX M,
double *  value 

Computes the absolute maximum element for the entire matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11527 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxAbsColIndex ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value,
unsigned *  row 

Computes the absolute maximum element in the specified column and its index. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11178 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxAbsColumn ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value 

Computes the absolute maximum element in the specified column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11405 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxAbsIndex ( const MTX M,
double *  value,
unsigned *  row,
unsigned *  col 

Computes the absolute maximum element for the entire matrix and its row and column index. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11429 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxAbsRow ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  value 

Computes the absolute maximum element in the specified row.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11411 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxAbsRowIndex ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  value,
unsigned *  col 

Computes the absolue maximum element in the specified row and a its column index. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11228 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxColIndex ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im,
unsigned *  row 

Computes the maximum element in the specified column and its index. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 10890 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxColumn ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the maximum element in the specified column. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11381 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxIndex ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im,
unsigned *  row,
unsigned *  col 

Computes the maximum element for the entire matrix and its row and column index. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11467 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxRow ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the maximum element in the specified row. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11387 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MaxRowIndex ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im,
unsigned *  col 

Computes the maximum element in the specified row and its index. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. If there are several equal maximum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 10962 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Mean ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample mean for the matrix. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12067 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Min ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the minimum element for the entire matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11690 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinAbs ( const MTX M,
double *  value 

Computes the absolute minimum element for the entire matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11625 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinAbsColIndex ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value,
unsigned *  row 

Computes the absolute minimum element in the specified column and its index. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11279 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinAbsColumn ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  value 

Computes the absolute minimum element in the specified column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11417 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinAbsIndex ( const MTX M,
double *  value,
unsigned *  row,
unsigned *  col 

Computes the absolute minimum element for the entire matrix and its row and column index. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11588 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinAbsRow ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  value 

Computes the absolute minimum element in the specified row.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11423 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinAbsRowIndex ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  value,
unsigned *  col 

Computes the absolute minimum element in the specified row and its index. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11330 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinColIndex ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im,
unsigned *  row 

Computes the minimum element in the specified column and its index. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11034 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinColumn ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the minimum element in the specified column. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11393 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinIndex ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im,
unsigned *  row,
unsigned *  col 

Computes the minimum element for the entire matrix and its row and column index. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11632 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinRow ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the minimum element in the specified row. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11399 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinRowIndex ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im,
unsigned *  col 

Computes the minimum element in the specified row and its index. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. If there are several equal minimum elements, the first index from the beginning is returned.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11106 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinusIdentity ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Subtract an identity matrix from this matrix. Subtracts 1.0 from the diagonal even if not square.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20680 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MinusIdentity_Inplace ( MTX src  ) 

Subtract an identity matrix from this matrix. Subtracts 1.0 from the diagonal even if not square.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20706 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MovAvg ( const MTX src,
const unsigned  lead,
const unsigned  lag,
MTX dst 

Computes a moving average using N lead samples and M lagging samples for the matrix and stores it in dst.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 17263 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Multiply ( MTX A,
const MTX B,
const MTX C 

Multiply A = B*C.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9976 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Multiply_Scalar ( MTX M,
const double  scalar 

Multiply M with a double scalar inplace, ie: M *= 5.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8036 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Multiply_ScalarComplex ( MTX M,
const double  re,
const double  im 

Multiply M with a complex scalar inplace, ie: M *= (5+3i).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8076 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_MultiplyTranspose ( MTX A,
const MTX B,
const MTX C 

Multiply A = B*transpose(C).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 10353 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Negate ( MTX M  ) 

Change the sign of all the data in the matrix. M *= -1.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8201 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Norm ( const MTX M,
double *  value 

Computes the norm of the matrix. If real, norm = sqrt( sum( val*val ) ). If complex, norm = sqrt( sum( val*conjugate(val) ) ).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12335 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_OneMinus ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Set the destination matrix to be 1.0 minus the source matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3252 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Phase ( const MTX M,
MTX Phase 

If M is a real matrix, Phase is a zero matrix. If M is a complex matrix, Phase is a real matrix = atan2(im,re).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1281 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Plot ( const char *  bmpfilename,
const char *  title,
const unsigned  plot_height_cm,
const unsigned  plot_width_cm,
const BOOL  includeStats,
const BOOL  isXGridOn,
const BOOL  isYGridOn,
const char *  xlabel,
const char *  ylabel,
const MTX_structAxisOptions  x,
const MTX_structAxisOptions  y,
const MTX_PLOT_structSeries *  series,
const unsigned  nrSeries 

Plot up to 12 series on one figure directly to an RLE compressed BITMAP file.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
bmpfilename  The output RLE compressed BITMAP filename.
title  The plot title (NULL if not used).
plot_height_cm  The plot height in cm.
plot_width_cm  The plot width in cm.
includeStats  A boolean to indicate if statistics info should be included on the plot.
isXGridOn  A boolean to indicate if the x grid lines are on.
isYGridOn  A boolean to indicate if the y grid lines are on.
xlabel  The x axis label (NULL if not used).
ylabel  The y axis label (NULL if not used).
opt_x  Limits and ticks for x.
opt_y  Limits and ticks for y.
series  A pointer to an array of series structs.
nrSeries  The number of series.

Definition at line 20204 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PlotQuick ( MTX M,
const char *  bmpfilename,
const unsigned  x_col,
const unsigned  y_col 

A quick plot, to a RLE compressed windows bitmap file, x_column vs y_column of the matrix M.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20077 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PostMultiply_Inplace ( MTX A,
const MTX B 

Multiply A = A*B, inplace.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9296 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PostMultiplyTranspose_Inplace ( MTX A,
const MTX B 

Multiply A = A*transpose(B), inplace.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9318 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Pow ( const MTX src,
MTX dst,
const double  power_re,
const double  power_im 

Raise all elements in src^(power_re + power_im*i) and store in dst. If power is just real, power_im = 0.0.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8812 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PowInplace ( MTX src,
const double  power_re,
const double  power_im 

Raise all elements in src^(power_re + power_im*i). If power is just real, power_im = 0.0.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8911 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PreMultiply_Inplace ( MTX A,
const MTX B 

Multiply A = B*A, inplace.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9342 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Print ( const MTX M,
const char *  path,
const unsigned  width,
const unsigned  precision,
const BOOL  append 

Print the matrix to a file with specifed width and precision. MTX_PrintAutoWidth is recommended over this function, "%'blank''-'width.precision'g'".

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 5735 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Print_ToBuffer ( const MTX M,
char *  buffer,
const unsigned  maxlength,
const unsigned  width,
const unsigned  precision 

Print the matrix to a buffer of maxlength with specifed width and precision. MTX_PrintAutoWidth is recommended over this function, "%'blank''-'width.precision'g'".

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 5848 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PrintAutoWidth ( const MTX M,
const char *  path,
const unsigned  precision,
const BOOL  append 

Print the matrix to a file with automatically determined column width. and the specified precision, uses "%'blank''-'autowidth.precision'g'".

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 6063 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PrintAutoWidth_ToBuffer ( const MTX M,
char *  buffer,
const unsigned  maxlength,
const unsigned  precision 

Print the matrix to a buffer of maxlenth with automatically determined column width. and the specified precision, uses "%'blank''-'autowidth.precision'g'".

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 6486 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PrintDelimited ( const MTX M,
const char *  path,
const unsigned  precision,
const char  delimiter,
const BOOL  append 

Print the matrix to a file with specifed precision and delimiter. Use MTX_PrintAutoWidth if print using whitespace as a delimiter is required, uses "%.precision'g'".

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 6835 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PrintDelimited_ToBuffer ( const MTX M,
char *  buffer,
const unsigned  maxlength,
const unsigned  precision,
const char  delimiter 

Print the matrix to a file with specifed precision and delimiter. Use MTX_PrintAutoWidth if print using whitespace as a delimiter is required, uses "%.precision'g'".

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 7135 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PrintRowToString ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
char *  buffer,
const unsigned  maxlength,
const int  width,
const int  precision 

Print a row to a string buffer.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 7636 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_PrintStdoutAutoWidth ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  precision 

Print the matrix to stdout with automatically determined column width. and the specified precision, uses "%'blank''-'autowidth.precision'g'".

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 6294 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_rand ( MTX M,
const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  ncols,
const unsigned  seed 

Produce a matrix that is composed of pseudo-random numbers. Values are elements are uniform distribution [0,1].

MTX_rand( 1000, 1 ); // create a uniformly distributed random vector of 1000 rows by 1 column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20034 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_randn ( MTX M,
const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  ncols,
const unsigned  seed 

Produce a matrix that is composed of pseudo-random numbers. Values are elements are standard normal distribution with mean zero, variance of one and standard of deviation one. N(0,1).

MTX_randn( 1000, 1 ); // create a standard-normal distributed random vector of 1000 rows by 1 column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19996 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Range ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the range of the data in the matrix. Range = MaxVal - MinVal. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11803 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ReadCompressed ( MTX M,
const char *  path 

Loads a binary compressed matrix that was saved using the MTX_SaveCompressed function.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 14450 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ReadFromFile ( MTX M,
const char *  path 

Read either a real or complex matrix from a file (ASCII formatted, any common delimiters). This function will also read in MTX BINARY formatted files.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 4540 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ReadFromFileRealOnly ( MTX M,
const char *  path 

Read a real-only matrix from a file (ASCII formatted, any common delimiters). This function will also read in MTX BINARY formatted files.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 4239 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Real ( const MTX M,

Extract the real component of matrix M.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1058 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RealColumn ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  col,

Extract the real component of column col of matrix M.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1140 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Redim ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  ncols 

Redimension the matrix, original data is saved in place, new data is set to zero.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1952 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RemoveColumn ( MTX M,
const unsigned  col 

Remove a single column from the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1352 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RemoveColumnsAfterIndex ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  col 

remove all the columns 'after' the column index given.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1435 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RemoveRowsAndColumns ( MTX src,
const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  rows[],
const unsigned  ncols,
const unsigned  cols[] 

A very efficient method to remove rows and columns from the matrix.

  MTX A;
  unsigned rows[2];
  unsigned cols[2];
  MTX_Calloc( &A, 4, 4 );
  MTX_Identity( &A );[0][0] = 100.0;[2][1] = 10.0;[1][2] = 20.0;
  // remove the first row and column and the third row and column.
  rows[0] = 0;
  rows[1] = 2;
  cols[0] = 0;
  cols[1] = 2;
  MTX_RemoveRowsAndColumns( &A, 2, (unsigned*)rows, 2 (unsigned*)cols );
  // A is now a 2x2 identity matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
src  The pointer to the matrix object.
nrows  The number of rows to remove (the length of the rows array).
rows  The array of row indices to remove.
ncols  The number of columns to remove (the length of hte cols array).

Definition at line 19729 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Resize ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  ncols,
const BOOL  isReal 

Resize the matrix, original data is lost, new data is set to zero, must specify if the matrix is real or complex.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2060 of file cmatrix.c.

double *  value 

Computes the sample RMS value for the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12415 of file cmatrix.c.

const unsigned  precision 

Round the matrix elements to the specified precision.
e.g. precision = 0 1.8 -> 2
e.g. precision = 1, 1.45 -> 1.5
e.g. precision = 2 1.456 -> 1.46
e.g. precision = 3, 1.4566 -> 1.457
precision has a maximum of 32. After which no rounding occurs.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3044 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowKurtosis ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample kurtosis value for the specified row. The kurtosis is the fourth central moment divided by fourth power of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set. To adjust the computed kurtosis value for bias, subtract 3 from the real component. Reference: Reference: (kurtosis proper is computed).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12936 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowMean ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample mean for the specified row. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12025 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowNorm ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  value 

Computes the norm of the specified row. If real, norm = sqrt( sum( val*val ) ). If complex, norm = sqrt( sum( val*conjugate(val) ) ).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12313 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowRange ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the range of the data in the specified row. Range = MaxVal - MinVal. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11772 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowRMS ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  value 

Computes the sample RMS value for the specified row.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12396 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowSkewness ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample skewness value for the specified row. The skewness is the third central moment divided by the cube of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12564 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowStdev ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  value 

Computes the sample standard deviation for the specified row.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12163 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowSum ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sum for the specified row. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11918 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_RowVar ( const MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
double *  value 

Computes the sample variance for the specified row.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12253 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SaveCompressed ( const MTX M,
const char *  path 

Saves a matrix to the specified file path using a proprietary compressed format. ADVANCED EDITION ONLY!

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13750 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SetComment ( MTX M,
const char *  comment 

Set the matrix comment string.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 418 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SetComplexColumn ( MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
const MTX Re,
const MTX Im 

Set the specified column in Matrix M to Re + Im*i, where Re and Im are real matrices. The dimensions of M must already be valid.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 842 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SetComplexValue ( MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
const unsigned  col,
const double  re,
const double  im 

Set a complex value in the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 734 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SetFromMatrixString ( MTX M,
const char *  strMatrix 

Set the matrix from a matrix string.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 5038 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SetFromStaticMatrix ( MTX dst,
const double  mat[],
const unsigned  nrows,
const unsigned  ncols 

Set the dst matrix from the static 'c' style matrix indexed by mat[i*ncols + j].

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2191 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SetIndexedValues ( MTX dst,
const MTX row_index,
const MTX col_index,
const MTX src 

Set the elements of the matrix specified by the index vectors. The index vectors must be nx1 real vectors.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18392 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SetValue ( MTX M,
const unsigned  row,
const unsigned  col,
const double  value 

Set a scalar value in the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 700 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_sin ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the sine of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18880 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_sinc ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the sin(pi*x)/(pi*) of each element in the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18921 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_sinh ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the hyperbolic sine of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 18997 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Skewness ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sample skewness value for the matrix. The skewness is the third central moment divided by the cube of the standard deviation. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12691 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SortAscending ( MTX M  ) 

Sorts each column of M in ascending order. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13315 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SortByColumn ( MTX M,
const unsigned  col 

Sorts the entire matrix by a specific column. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13571 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SortColumnAscending ( MTX M,
const unsigned  col 

Sorts a specific column in ascending order. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13396 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SortColumnDescending ( MTX M,
const unsigned  col 

Sorts a specific column in descending order. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13432 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SortColumnIndexed ( MTX M,
const unsigned  col,
MTX index 

Sorts a specific column in ascending order and fills a MTX column vector with the sorted index. The index vector will be resized if index->nrows != M->nrows If complex, sorts based on magnitude.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13473 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_SortDescending ( MTX M  ) 

Sorts each column of M in descending order. If complex, sorts based on magnitude.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13353 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Sqr ( MTX M  ) 

Computes the value^2 of each element in the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8512 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Sqrt ( MTX M  ) 

Computes the sqrt(value) of each element in the matrix. A real matrix is converted to complex if any elements are negative. e.g. sqrt(-1) = -i.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 8579 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Stdev ( const MTX M,
double *  value 

Computes the sample standard deviation for the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12184 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Subtract ( MTX A,
const MTX B,
const MTX C 

Subtract A = B-C.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9810 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Subtract_Inplace ( MTX A,
const MTX B 

Subtract A -= B, inplace.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9177 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Subtract_Scalar ( MTX M,
const double  scalar 

Subtracts a scalar double from matrix M, ie: M -= 5.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 7951 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Subtract_ScalarComplex ( MTX M,
const double  re,
const double  im 

Subtracts a scaler complex from matrix M, ie: M -= (5+3i).

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 7988 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Sum ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the sum of the data in the matrix . If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 11955 of file cmatrix.c.


Swap the contents of matrix A with matrix B.

MTX_Init( &A );
MTX_Init( &B );
MTX_Malloc( &A, 2, 2, TRUE );
MTX_Malloc( &B, 1, 1, TRUE );
MTX_Fill( &A, 88.0 );
MTX_Fill( &B, 44.0 );
MTX_Swap( &A, &B );
// A == [44], B == [88 88; 88 88]
MTX_Free( &A );
MTX_Free( &B );

TRUE if succesful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 20818 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_tan ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the tangent of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19356 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_tanh ( MTX src  ) 

Compute the hyperbolic tangent of each element in the matrix. Assumes elements are radians.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 19416 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_TimeLimit ( MTX M,
const unsigned  timeColumn,
const double  startTime,
const double  endTime 

Alter the matrix, M, so that its data is within [startTime endTime]. This function assumes that time is one of the matrix columns and requires this index, the timeColumn.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. The duration to include
M  Matrix to be altered
timeColumn  The column containing time
startTime  The specified start time (inclusive)
endTime  The duration to include

Definition at line 15415 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_TimeMatch ( MTX A,
const unsigned  timeColumnA,
const unsigned  timeColumnB,
const unsigned  precision,
const double  rolloverTime 

This function matches matrices in time with specified precision where time is a column of each matrix. This function also allows time to rollover at a specified interval.

precision 0 = match to whole number
precision 1 = match to nearest 0.1
precision 2 = match to nearest 0.01
rolloverTime examples
GPS time of week (s): rolloverTime= 604800.0
hours : rolloverTime = 24.0
minutes : rolloverTime = 60.0

The time data must be non-decreasing but the time may rollover by the specified amount. e.g. rolloverTime = 60.0

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
A  The matrix with interpolation times
timeColumnA  The zero based column index for matrix A
B  The matrix to be interpolated
timeColumnB  The zero based column index for matrix B
precision  The rounding precision used for time matching, 0 = whole, 1 = 0.1, 2 = 0.01, etc
rolloverTime  The rollover time, e.g. 60 s for minute based timing, 0.0 means rollovers not allowed

Definition at line 15432 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_TimeWindow ( MTX M,
const unsigned  timeColumn,
const double  startTime,
const double  duration,
const double  rolloverTime 

Alter the matrix, M, so that its data is within the startTime to the startTime+duration and compensate for any rollovers in the time system (e.g. GPS time in seconds rolls over at 604800.0 s). This function assumes that time is one of the matrix columns and requires this index, the timeColumn.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. The potential time at which system time rolls over
M  Matrix to be altered
timeColumn  The column containing time
startTime  The specified start time (inclusive)
duration  The duration to include
rolloverTime  The potential time at which system time rolls over

Definition at line 15314 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Trace ( const MTX M,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Computes the trace of M where M is a square matrix. Trace = Sum of diagonal elements. If the matrix is real, only the real value, re is set, im = 0. If the matrix is complex, both re and im are set.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 13167 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Transpose ( const MTX src,
MTX dst 

Transpose the matrix src into the matris dst.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2874 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_TransposeInplace ( MTX M  ) 

Transpose the matrix as an inplace operation.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2954 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_TransposeMultiply ( MTX A,
const MTX B,
const MTX C 

Multiply A = transpose(B)*C.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 10163 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_TransposePreMultiply_Inplace ( MTX A,
const MTX B 

Multiply A = tranpose(B)*A, inplace.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 9363 of file cmatrix.c.

MTX d,
BOOL  checkSymmetric 

Compute the UDUt decomposition of a square matrix. This method avoids using square roots and can be used for any square, full rank, symmetrical matrix.

TRUE if succesful, FALSE otherwise. FALSE if not full rank.
src  src = U*D*Ut
U  src = U*D*Ut
d  src = U*D*Ut, d it the vector diagonal of D.
checkSymmetric  Option to enable/disable checking the src matrix for symmetry.

Definition at line 20984 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ValueToString ( const double  value,
const unsigned  width,
const unsigned  precision,
const BOOL  isReal,
const BOOL  alignLeft,
char *  ValueBuffer,
const unsigned  ValueBufferSize 

Convert a value to a string with the specified width and precision. analogous to sprintf( ValueBuffer, "%'blank''-'width.precision'g'", value );.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
value  The double value to output.
width  The width of the field.
precision  The precision, g style.
isReal  The the value the real part or the imaginary part.
alignLeft  Align the output left (for real data only).
ValueBuffer  The output buffer.
ValueBufferSize  The size of the output buffer.

Definition at line 5498 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Var ( const MTX M,
double *  value 

Computes the sample variance for the matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 12265 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_Zero ( MTX dst  ) 

Zero the entire matrix.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2513 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ZeroColumn ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  col 

Zero all elements in a specified column.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2537 of file cmatrix.c.

BOOL MTX_ZeroRow ( MTX dst,
const unsigned  row 

Zero all elements in a specified row.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 2563 of file cmatrix.c.

Variable Documentation

BOOL MTX_static_global_treat_1x1_as_scalar = TRUE

This static global variable indicates whether matrix operations for single elements are treated as scalar operations. e.g. A = B*C, B is 1x1 C is 10x10. If this was disabled, this operation would return FALSE as an error. When enabled, A, is treated as a scalar and is multiplied into every element of C.

Definition at line 125 of file cmatrix.c.

Generated on Sun Feb 8 15:31:10 2009 for The Zenautics Matrix Project by  doxygen 1.5.4